Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Step into the world of pre-hospital pediatric emergency education with Handtevy FAQs, your definitive guide to clarity, confidence, and dynamic learning. Designed specifically for pre-hospital clinicians, our comprehensive resources simplify complex pediatric emergency concepts, empowering you with the knowledge needed to excel in critical situations. Dive into our dynamic FAQs today and elevate your expertise in pediatric pre-hospital care.

Unlocking Knowledge: Handtevy Education FAQs Simplified for Excellence

How do I schedule an Instructor Course?

You can schedule an Instructor Course by visiting our website or emailing our team.

What is the fee for the Instructor Course?

We have two platforms you can take advantage of. Please contact our team for the customized pricing.

How do I schedule a Provider Course?

Use any of the links below to schedule a Provider Course:

What is the fee for the Provider Course?

The fee for the Provider Course varies depending on the format (In-Person or Hybrid).

  • In-Person Provider Course:

    • 4-hour Provider Course - $15.00 fee per provider, with 4 CAPCE CEUs

    • 8-hour Provider Course - $25.00 fee per provider, with 8 CAPCE CEUs

  • Hybrid Provider Course:

    • 5-hour Provider Course - $20.00* individual purchase per Provider, with 5 CAPCE CEUs (includes 3 hours virtual and 2 hours Hands-On)

*Please contact our sales team for assistance.

  • In-house Department training:

    • Free of cost when the Medical Director signs off* on the training.

*This option does not include: Handtevy issued certificates, CEUs, or access to our Handtevy Course Manager (HCM) tools.

How do I set up my Provider Course?

Setting up your Course is facilitated through the Instructor Portal. From that page, choose between Provider or Refresher Courses.

Our team will guide you through the steps, ensuring a seamless process. You can always email our education team for additional support.

How do I build my kits?

Kit assembly details and instructions are provided in the Instructor Portal.

How are certificates issued?

  • Certificates are issued electronically through our HCM upon completion of the Course*

  • In-house Department training - free of cost when the Medical Director signs off. This option excludes Handtevy-issued certificates, CEUs, or access to our Handtevy Course Manager (HCM) tools.

*A Provider Course must be purchased and payment must be completed.

Are CEUs offered?

Yes, Handtevy is a certified CAPCE Institution and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are offered for all Courses purchased through our Handtevy Course Manager.

What is the Instructor-to-student ratio for Provider Courses?

The recommended ratio is one Instructor to six students.

How do I access the Instructor Portal?

You can access the Instructor Portal on our website.

Instructor Login credentials are provided upon Instructor Course completion. Please email our team if you require support.

How do I reset my password for the Instructor Portal?

You can reset your password using this link, or view our PDF for instructions.

Who do I contact if my Department needs to add licenses for access to our Handtevy Mobile Application?

For license options, please contact our support team.

Who is my contact for Education?

For education-related queries, you can contact our education support team.

How do I renew my Instructor certification?

Click here to register for your renewal.

*The renewal fee is $199.00.

What are the requirements to renew my two-year Handtevy Instructor certification?

  • Required:

    • Maintain active teaching status within your department

    • Submit a renewal payment of $199.00

  • Recommended:

    • Complete one Instructor webinar per year

    • Teach one Course and complete six evaluations per year

What other options do I have if some cannot attend an In-Person Course?

Click here to view alternative options:

  • Hybrid Instructor Courses: broken into two parts to award 3 virtual didactic hours and 5 hands-on hours through live Zoom participation

  • Virtual Instructor Courses: 8 hours of real-time, interactive lecture and hands-on instruction

Do you offer CEUs and Handtevy-issued certificates for Providers?

Yes, you can obtain Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Handtevy-issued certificates for your Providers when you purchase and schedule your Courses through our Handtevy Course Manager (HCM).

Please click HERE to purchase your Courses.

If you have further questions or need assistance, feel free to contact our education team.

This will be my first time teaching a Provider Course and I’m looking for some pointers.

Included are pointers when teaching a Handtevy Provider Course for the first time:

  • Familiarize yourself thoroughly with the Course content including but not limited to: PowerPoint slides, scenarios, and equipment.

  • Engage participants through interactive discussions and real-life examples to enhance the group scenarios.

  • Teach a small group as practice and be adaptive to the learning styles of your audience.

  • If you have any questions, please reach out to our education support team.

I am receiving an error with a link in the PowerPoint.

Issues with a link embedded in the PowerPoint are usually due to an old or outdated PowerPoint. Be sure to download the most recent PowerPoint slide at least one day before your Course date.

If the error persists, please contact our education team and provide details about the error or the specific link to help diagnose and resolve the problem more effectively.

What medications can be delivered through the distal femur?

Medications that can be delivered through the distal femur route typically include analgesics and some anesthetics. There is recent data to suggest that giving Amiodarone or Lidocaine through the IO reduces the efficacy of the medication as they are lipophilic and are therefore absorbed by the fat in the bone marrow. Other than that, all other medications can be used IO. Specific medications may vary based on clinical protocols and guidelines.

Is there a suggested make and model mannequin to use for IO: placement and training?

Teleflex will be releasing a femoral IO trainer (via a 3rd party) this year (2024)

I’m interested in assisting at one of your upcoming Handtevy Instructor Courses. What steps do I need to take?

We appreciate your interest!

To assist with one of our upcoming Handtevy Instructor Courses, please contact our education team. We'll provide you with details on the application process and any prerequisites.

How do I assign roles including pit crew roles to Providers as I prepare to run scenarios during my Provider Courses and how should they be assigned?

  • Cardiac Arrest Scenarios: Here we recommend using the High Performance CPR model which uses numbered positions

    • Position #1: Compressor

    • Position #2: Monitor / IO placement

    • Position #3: Airway

Tailor this concept to your agency and typical personnel configuration.

  • Non-Arrest Scenarios: One person acts as the moderator and the parent on the scene

    • Acting as the parent provides additional stress for the team working on the call.

    • When the team asks for information such as assessment or vital signs, this person will provide it (then immediately return to acting like the parent).

The team working on the call should split into a minimum of two roles:

  • Front person: This is the team lead who makes the initial assessment after interfacing with the parent and child. They ask their other team members to perform tasks

  • Medication person: This person is the only one using the Handtevy app during the scenario. They draw up and administer the medication using the medication administration cross-check process.

  • Additional team members (EMT or PM) who can assist in any way needed.